digital sales RESEARCH

1. Digital Product Range Guard                                                          ...internal...

     ...maximum exploitation of customer potential with intelligent sales recommendations



  • Sales decline, profits decrease.
  • Cross-selling opportunities are missed.
  • You orient yourself toward the past, not customer potential.
  • Customers are supported classically based on empirical values of inside/outside sales, digital big data clusters, social network qualities.
  • Inside/outside sales work with customers intuitively instead of systematically.
  • Daily time constraints prevent automatic analysis
    and action.
  • New products at suppliers are missed.
  • Offer follow-up is too late.
  • Manager is not fully aware of how missed opportunities are handled.
  • Management misses resulting options to respond in real time.


  • Automated recognition of every cross-selling
  • Automated exploitation based on sales potential
    and customer purchase behavior.
  • Specific call to action in real time for inside/outside sales.
  • Feedback to inside/outside sales on how opportunities are actually utilized.
  • Selective approach based on customer group, digital clusters, and social network topologies.
  • Connecting product range to offers requiring follow-up.
  • New products at suppliers are recognized systematically and connected to the product range, including call for action.
  • Manager recognizes the actual use of cross-selling opportunities and possible exploitation of potential
    per inside sales employee.
  • Up-to-date, fast analysis provides targeted, leading results of inside/outside sales for the manager.
  • Up-to-date, comparative, visual representation of the utilization of opportunities across the respective inside/outside sales per area.


  • Expansion of the market position in the region
  • Differentiation from the competition
  • Increased cross-selling intensifies customer
  • Stronger activation of customer potential
  • Increase sales and profits
  • Faster, more individual demand-orientation
    = stronger customer relationship
  • Higher order rate: turn offer into order



2. Digital Price Detector                                                                 ...internal...

     ...finding the most profitable price in real time



  • Orders are lost because the market price is assessed incorrectly.
  • Pricing experts, e.g. managers/inside/outside sales,
    focus on their own experiences and habits in pricing, which frequently does not capture market and
    customer situations and therefore does not utilize potential.
  • The price is too low due to unfamiliarity with the
    market situation.
  • No overview of the price level in real time.
  • Competitors working with digital pricing techniques increase their market shares at the expense of your
    own company.


  • Further development of the pricing strategy to
    determine the margin and increase sales.
  • Unbureaucratic, fast pricing method for a feasible, resilient, profitable price based on the up-to-date
    pricing situation for the individual inside/outside
    sales employee/manager.
  • Strengthening a stable, attractive, integrated contribution margin and thus defending against the downward trend of the contribution margin decline
    in the market.
  • The pricing method must be used on site so that a appealing design, easy handling, and comprehensible logic impresses the user in everyday business.
  • The individual time of day and mood-driven pricing frequently based on traditional habits and customer-dependent, historically oriented routine must be professionalized systematically (digitally!)
  • The pricing method achieves a positive differentiation from the competition because it is utilized only for
    you specifically.
  • The external company is the partner that sustainably
    and intensively supports successful implementation instead of giving only the conceptual theoretical framework.
  • The e-business share can be increased with better
    price sensitivity.


  • Differentiation from the competition
  • Increase sales and profits
  • Stronger activation of customer potential
  • Increased cross-selling intensifies customer
  • Higher order rate: turn offer into order
  • Faster, more individual demand-orientation
    = stronger customer relationship
  • Expansion of the market position in the region


3. Digital Relationship                                                                        ...internal...

     ...retain your customers with useful, indivudual, personal information: "Daily Content"



  • The personal customer and company data stored in
    CRM (birthdays, hobbies, anniversaries, trade fairs, etc.) are considered only randomly and intuitively and are often not used purposefully.
  • The personal data is frequently not updated.
  • Personal data, if it is considered at all, is generally
    used in uncreative and unsustainable campaigns.
  • The personal relationship, and therefore orders, are
    lost based on increasing online orders of 60 to 70%.
  • Customer retention decreases in the climate of a new, aggressive media culture; they are more willing to
    accept alternative offers.
  • Direct personal or telephone contact alone without events.
  • Quality loses its retaining force, and is not sufficient
    to differentiate against the competition.
  • Too few personal, direct retention contacts (birthday, company anniversary) do not have a sustainably
    retaining effect.
  • Competition also uses classical retention contacts (birthdays, etc.) and are therefore lost in a flood of
    the same information.
  • Regular retention activities are missing.


  • Customized retention contact beyond the product/solution/service of the company (content management) addressing the customer on a private
    level once per week or more frequently.
  • Alternative contact concepts (business information
    that is notable only for the individual) for the industry with strict complaint rules.
  • Retention activities are controlled systematically
    and the respective inside/outside sales employees/
    key account manager is informed automatically with alternative action ideas.
  • Creative retention is routine, not the exception
  • Expansion of the customer relationship into an
    emotional event relationship (managing products
    and services is not sufficient, more senses must be addressed).
  • Systematic utilization of all personal data in CRM.
  • Ensuring current support through nonsupport,
    feedback related to the whole buying team.
  • Automated connection between selling and buying
    team at adequate hierarchical allocation of retention activities.
  • Creative retention ideas for a clear differentiation to competition.
  • Digitalized, automated, systemized, permanent
    customer contact leads your sales from the passive
    to the proactive mode.


  • Increased sales and profits
  • With better retention your company has the
    “final word”
  • Customer’s willingness to not enter into the
    ultimate price war
  • Timely information before the competition about
    new projects/changes to current orders about to
    be closed
  • Willingness to use new cross-selling ideas
  • Consent to test innovative solutions and products/services
  • Mistakes are more easily processed in good relationships and, if they are noted, result in fewer restrictions
  • Greater enthusiasm for your company results in an inhibition to contact the competition


4. Digital Daily Training of inside sales                                            ...internal...

     ...daily training of negotiation and pricing techniques


  • The importance of inside sales is not doubted but
    the intensive and regular performance capability of inside sales is too weak.
  • Pulling inside sales staff out for continued training
    would significantly weaken day to day operations to
    an extend that no training would have fewer negative effects.
  • The experience of inside sales staff with classical training, seminars, workshops, on-site coaching,
    short sessions is particularly disenchanting. The
    taught “techniques, self-management, etc.“ fail
    without sustainable, permanent effects.
  • Specific sales results or durable customer retention results are frequently measured only intuitively.



  • A permanent, digital option for continued education
    on “pricing“ is offered to inside sales staff during daily work, at the workplace.
  • For example, a specific pricing technique appears on
    the screen as a pop-up while the inside sales member processes an offer and is about to call the customer to negotiate a price.
  • Or up-selling/cross-selling information appears on the screen while the inside sales member reviews a customer’s sales volume based on product categories. Motto: if you buy A, you‘ll also buy …
  • The digital form saves time because it is integrated
    into everyday work. External options, e.g. special events, training, workshop, coaching, etc. can be dropped.
  • Informal and formative learning takes the place of formal teaching and is 70% more effective and sustainable.



  • Improved pricing expertise of inside sales staff
    results in higher profits
  • More closings are achieved
  • Job satisfaction improves with increased professionalization
  • Differentiation from the competition
  • Increased sales and profits
  • Stronger activation of customer potential
  • Increased cross-selling intensifies customer
  • Higher order rate: turn offer into order
  • Faster, more individual demand-orientation
    = stronger customer relationship
  • Expansion of the market position in the region


5. Digital Project Status                                                                  ...internal...

     ...increase project acquisition/ company-specific approach


  • The success rate of acquired projects compared to
    the effort expended is not economic and too many projects are lost
  • The assessment of the actual chance of success of
    a project in % is frequently unrealistic
  • The chance of an order in % is assessed in
    unreasonable, percentage-based categories or is not defined
  • The information required for success is not recorded
    due to unprofessional research skills
  • Prioritization of projects based on time expense is suboptimal if staff resources are scarce
  • Adequate placement and positioning of the selling
    team to the buying team is intuitive/situational and
    not strategic/systematic
  • Familiarity with decision-making and decision-preparation processes is too superficial
  • Participation in the early phases of the project (high chance for an order because of high level of influence)
    is too infrequent
  • The focus is too narrow to generate follow-up projects from current projects
  • Projects realized by competition are not adequately known



  • Project assessment based on an innovative,
    systematic keys to success
  • Early participation in the customer‘s project
    creation phase
  • Early recognition of projects created at the customer
  • The changes of success in % are assessed realistically based on a pragmatic consistency
  • Intelligent, creative placement of own solutions in
    an early phase
  • Projects are prioritized professionally, misalignments
    are avoided
  • The decision makers/decision processes are captured optimally with intelligent methods
  • The necessary information basis is recorded with professional researchers
  • Selling teams are optimally matched with buying


  • Measurable increase of success rate for successfully completed projects
  • More profitable projects are acquired and won
  • Improved coordination of internal resources
  • Differentiation from the competition
  • Increased sales and profits
  • Stronger activation of customer potential
  • Increased cross-selling intensifies customer
  • Higher order rate: turn offer into order
  • Faster, more individual demand-orientation
    = stronger customer relationship
  • Expansion of the market position in the region


digital sales resulting GmbH

Schloss Eicherhof

42799 Leichlingen


Unternehmens-Spirit: Think Result

"DIGITAL SALES RESULTING INSTITUTE" ... ist eine Kooperation des Unternehmens



Das Unternehmen ermöglicht Ihnen durch die einzigartige Kombination der "SALES & DIGITALEN WELT" konkrete, messbare, profitable Resultate, die Ihnen den Vorsprung am Markt sichern.